Our Ingredients

Nature’s answer to your call

Shea Butter

Shea Butter is one of Nature’s Wonders. It accelerates healing and nourishes the skin. It has been cultivated since time immemorial for its healing properties, deep moisturizing and health benefits. The active composition of Shea Butter make it a powerful aid in skin rejuvenation and repair. Packed with vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin A and vitamin F (unsaturated fats) Shea Butter leaves your skin supple while stimulating collagen production and providing UV protection. Shea Butter is a powerful addition to any skin care regimen. 

Mango Butter

Mango Butter Magic is an answer to the call of dry skin. It works as an emollient on the skin without clogging your pores, so it is a great recommendation for facial use. Mango Butter can be used head to toe on all skin types. This gentle skin rejuvenator provides magical results as it promotes repair, relieves eczema, psoriasis, chronic dry skin and provides a beautiful glow to your skins hue. What is there not to love… It’s Mango Butter Magic!

Cocoa Butter

Cocoa Butters is a world renown. It is a complex compound with high concentrations of antioxidant compounds including oleic, palmitic and stearic acid. It also provides a healthy amount of vitamin E, which benefits the whole body protecting and neutralizing “free radical” cells. Cocoa butter is well known for reducing signs of aging and inflammation of the skin. Research has shown Cocoa Butter to reduce the appearance of scars and wrinkles while boosting the overall health of your skin.

Hemp Oil

Hemp Oil has been referred to as ‘The Miracle.’ Used for a range of health conditions Hemp oil contains NO tetrahydrocannabinol (NO – THC). It does contain cannabidiol (CBD). “A chemical that has been used to treat everything from epilepsy to anxiety” (WebMD). In addition Hemp Oil contains omega-3, omega-6 and all nine essential amino acids the body uses to make proteins. ‘The Miracle’ also provides Vitamin B, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium and more.

Argan Oil

Argan Oil popularly called ‘liquid gold’ has been used for centuries for a variety of purposes (medicinal, cosmetic and culinary). It is a plant based oil indigenous to Morocco, and considered one of the rarest culinary oils in the world. Argan oil can be consumed and applied to the skin. It is lightweight, non-greasy, suitable for all skin types and offers anti-aging properties. Like gold, only the best will do. 

Black Seed Oil

Black Seed Oil (Nigella Saliva) known as the Seed of Blessing, is high in vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. Its healing properties are beyond measure and have been used for over 2000 years in countless applications. Black Seed is effective as an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, immune booster. When you consider that Black Seed Oil has virtually no side effects it truly is a Blessing.

Avocado Oil

Avocado is a Gift. Its remarkable ability to retain water in the  skin and act as a moisturizer is unmatched. Avocado has some of the highest concentrations of monounsaturated fats, potassium and  vitamins A, E, and D. It is also easily absorbed by the skin. This fruit also offers antioxidant properties that help reduce inflammation, many painful skin conditions and accelerates healing. You truly are the gift that keeps on giving. Take a bow, my single seeded berry.

Emu Oil

Emu Oil (relief in a bottle) is great for aching muscles, joints and pain relief due to inflammation. It contains 22 essential fatty acids including omega 3, 6, 9 and is used topically to improve the healing of wounds, cuts and burns. Emu also aids in healing surgical wounds caused by the removal or grafting of skin. It is very effective against skin conditions such as dry skin, dandruff, eczema, psoriasis and age spots. Our pure Emu Oil is harvested on site at our favorite Emu farm and is a blend of both lighter and heavier fractions yielding a rich, creamy consistency. It is always special when you can exchange energy with the source. Thanks ….. you definitely deserve an Honorable Mention.

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